The Goodwood Park Healthcare Group

  • Mission Statement


Our Values

Respect - for each other and value each other’s differences.

Empathy - empathic listening builds up healthy relationships. The ability to put oneself in another’s shoes.

Integrity - having personal honesty and holding true to one’s values. Knowing what is important and living accordingly.

Openness - willingness to share your thoughts with others

Inclusiveness - acceptance and support, denying any form of discrimination

Honesty - communication and acting in a truthful way

Cultural Commitment

The Goodwood Park Healthcare Group acknowledges and upholds the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and recognises it as the founding document of New Zealand. Goodwood Park Healthcare Group also recognises the diversity and uniqueness of all ethnic and cultural groups ensuring spiritual values and beliefs by providing services in a culturally appropriate manner. We understand that connecting with a person’s own cultural and spiritual beliefs has a major role in a person’s sense of wellbeing, promoting self-determination, hope and belonging and therefore supporting a client’s ability to progress towards their goals.

Although Goodwood Park Healthcare Group does not strongly align or affiliate with any particular Iwi/Hapū, we have positive and enduring relationships with many Iwi and Hapū throughout the mid to upper North Island area where we currently have services.  This allows us to build localised relationships that best meet the needs of each individual client.

As a provider of services in New Zealand, we are committed to work practices that align with the Treaty of Waitangi principles of Partnership, Protection and Participation. These principles underpin all of our practice and interventions with service users and their families/whānau.

Mission Statement

The Goodwood Park Healthcare Group supports people to maximise their health, participation and independence.