The Goodwood Park Healthcare Group

  • Services




Core purpose:

Goodwood Park Healthcare Group's community services are designed to provide additional specialist supports for clients who are able and who wish to live independently in their community of choice. Supports can assist them to  remain actively involved with their family and whānau, participate in community living, education, employment and self-management of their wellbeing.

The community services offered at Goodwood Park Healthcare Group assist people with everyday tasks; such as accessing community activities, social and recreational groups, parenting support, education and employment options, budgeting, and liason with other agencies.

It is designed to deliver individualised, goal-focused programmes to encourage people to take responsibility for decisions affecting their lives and involves personal planning to meet needs and choices. We encourage independence by relearning old skills and learning new skills. We support people to identify and seek natural “circles of support” rather than professional supports. We assist clients to become more actively involved in their local community and /or to transition from their family home, or residential care facility, to independent living in a community setting. Where possible, clients are matched with an age, gender and culturally compatible support worker. Our staff are well trained to provide direct support to enable independence and a higher quality of life to people referred to our services.



Mental Health Supported Living Service

Goodwood Park Healthcare Group re-modelled many of its 24/7 residential beds in line with the Support Hours contract, this translated to more community orientated  services that are more targeted to client needs.

The new service provides targeted inputs into the areas where people require support. This service enables clients to make more appropriate choices about where they live and who they live with. It also increases the clients’ ability to make decisions and take control over most areas of their life.

Support hours also allow flexibility to enable support to increase and decrease, according to clients needs, and for the supports to be delivered at a time most suitable to the client. Unlike many community services, Mental Health Supported Living is available 7 days a week.

The service is funded by Waitemata DHB and individually tailored in collaboration with the client and their family/whānau. Support is co-ordinated and responsive to their changing aspirations, capacity/capability, goals, needs and mental health requirements over time. The service provides socially inclusive activities that the client identifies as meaningful to them and, where appropriate, consistent with a tikanga/kaupapa Māori approach.

Catherine Tautu
Phone: 0278396938

Complex Packages of Care:

This service provides support to people with high and complex mental and physical health needs. These may include personality disorders, behavioural changes, cognitive disabilities, acquired brain injuries or personal health needs.

Referrals come from the Local Co-ordination Service at the Waitemata DHB. Clients must be 18 years of age and be receiving clinical intervention from the Waitemata DHB. The service has a co-ordination role, specifically in designing individual support plans for highly complex clients, often involving multiple services and providers.

Our Complex Packages of Care service uses a recovery and strengths based philosophy, while meeting the needs of a wide range of people.

The purpose of each Package of Care is to meet the individual’s needs and support them so that they can live well within the environment of their choice. Flexibility in service delivery is a key component responding to the changing needs of the client.

Chipo Gunda
Phone: 027 382 6887

Supported Landlord Service

Goodwood Park Healthcare Group's Supported Landlord Service is an active intervention, that has tremendous significance. The lack of stable accommodation may cause poor mental health and can be one of the biggest challenges facing our clients.

Goodwood Park Healthcare Group provides access to quality accommodation with understanding and supportive landlords A single all inclusive charge is easier to manage for our clients. In addition, clients also receive support from our community teams and we regularly visit to assist in managing any issues they face. We have the ability to refer to more intensive services if we identify a client whose wellbeing is declining.

Support staff assist clients to find local community activities and services which enables them to develop long term sustainable support networks.

Carole Ritchie – Supported Landlord Service Co-ordinator
Phone : 0273610034

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